HEYYA, longtime no talk, no see, no hear, like a blind,
noiseless, and deaf. Lol. Hahayy!! Malem ini gua mau coba ngisi blog gua yg
udah hamper karatan ini dengan bahasan lirik dari newsingle of PARAMORE,
called: NOW. Yaaa. Sebelumnya gua mau bilang kalo lagu ini ditelurkan dari
album ke-empat mereka dgn judul “self-tittled” yang diproduserin ama Justin Meldal-Johnsen and recorded in Los
TO THE POINT BABE, langsung aja bisa di cekidot lirik lagunya sebelum ke pembahasan LAGU :D
TO THE POINT BABE, langsung aja bisa di cekidot lirik lagunya sebelum ke pembahasan LAGU :D
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Feels like I'm waken from the dead
And everyone's been waitin' on me
'Least now I'll never have to wonder
What it's like to sleep a year away
But were we indestructible
I thought that we could brave it all (all)
I never thought that what would take me out
Was hiding down below
Lost the battle, win the war
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
We're starting over, or head back in
There's a time and a place to die but this ain't it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Wish I could find a crystal ball
For the days I feel completely worthless
You know I'd use it all for good
I would not take it for granted (granted)
Instead, I'd have some memories
For the days I don't feel anything
At least, they would remind me
Not to make the same mistakes again
Lost the battle, win the war
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
We're starting over or head back in
There's a time and a place to die but this ain't it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
There's a time and a place to die
There's a time and a place to die
And this ain't it
There's a time and a place to die
And this ain't it, this ain't it
This ain't it
There's a time and a place to die
There's a time and a place to die
But this ain't it, no
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Feels like I'm waken from the dead
And everyone's been waitin' on me
'Least now I'll never have to wonder
What it's like to sleep a year away
But were we indestructible
I thought that we could brave it all (all)
I never thought that what would take me out
Was hiding down below
Lost the battle, win the war
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
We're starting over, or head back in
There's a time and a place to die but this ain't it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me
Wish I could find a crystal ball
For the days I feel completely worthless
You know I'd use it all for good
I would not take it for granted (granted)
Instead, I'd have some memories
For the days I don't feel anything
At least, they would remind me
Not to make the same mistakes again
Lost the battle, win the war
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
We're starting over or head back in
There's a time and a place to die but this ain't it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
There's a time and a place to die
There's a time and a place to die
And this ain't it
There's a time and a place to die
And this ain't it, this ain't it
This ain't it
There's a time and a place to die
There's a time and a place to die
But this ain't it, no
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it
UDAH? Oke, let’s check it out.
“Don't try to take this from me NOW”. From the first lyric, kita bisa liat mereka ga mau diambil lagi kejayaan dan kebahagiaan mereka sekarang. Mungkin itu yang bisa gua liat dari kata “take”. Kebahagiaan dan kejayaan macam apa sih? Let’s see the next lyric
Feels like I'm waken from the dead: waken from the dead di sini bkn bangun lagi dari kubur, hey! Ini maksudnya adalah bangun dari vakum mereka yang cukup lama. Inget kan album terakhir BRAND NEW EYES mereka tahun 2009, dan skrg tahun 2013! Come’on babe! 4 years!!
“Don't try to take this from me NOW”. From the first lyric, kita bisa liat mereka ga mau diambil lagi kejayaan dan kebahagiaan mereka sekarang. Mungkin itu yang bisa gua liat dari kata “take”. Kebahagiaan dan kejayaan macam apa sih? Let’s see the next lyric
Feels like I'm waken from the dead: waken from the dead di sini bkn bangun lagi dari kubur, hey! Ini maksudnya adalah bangun dari vakum mereka yang cukup lama. Inget kan album terakhir BRAND NEW EYES mereka tahun 2009, dan skrg tahun 2013! Come’on babe! 4 years!!
And everyone's been waitin' on me: yeaah, tentu aja fans bener2 MENUNGGU kehadiran paramour lagi. Apalagi setelah keluarnya dua bersaudara itu. *youknowwho
'Least now I'll never have to wonder hat it's like to sleep a year away : akhirnya mereka negrasain sebuah perasaan setelah ngebangke vakum beberapa tahun.
But were we indestructible : kemudian mereka bangkit dan bilang “tapi kami ga mudah diancurin!”
I thought that we could brave it all (all) : mereka berfikir mereka pasti bisa berani utk keluar. (GANBATTE DUDE!)
I never thought that what would take me out was hiding down below
: bahkan mereka sndiri ga tau apa yg bikin mereka bangkit lagi. Ya mungkin semacam suges atau motivasi dari org2 sekitar trmasuk fans kali yak :p
Lost the battle, win the war : perumapamaan doang
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore We're starting over, or head back in : “sinking ship” kan bangke kapal yak? Nah bangke kapal yg udh tenggelam itu dibawa lagi oleh mereka ke tepi pantai dan mencoba memperbaiki semuanya.
There's a time and a place to die but this ain't it : emang prnah ada waktu dimana seolah2 ada kematian (pas youknowwho OUT dari band ini) tapi skrg bukan waktunya.
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